Семинары Теоретического отдела им. Л.М. Бибермана

Elementary vibrational model of transport phenomena in dense simple fluids

by Сергей Алексеевич Храпак (ОИВТ РАН)


A vibrational model of transport properties of dense fluids assumes that solid-like oscillations of atoms around their temporary equilibrium positions dominate the dynamical picture. The temporary equilibrium positions of atoms do not form any regular structure and are not fixed, unlike in solids. Instead, they are allowed to diffuse and this is why liquids can flow. However, this diffusive motion is characterized by much longer time scales compared to those of solid-like oscillations. Although this general picture is not particularly new, only relatively recently it has become possible to construct a coherent and internally consistent quantitative description of transport properties such as self-diffusion, shear viscosity, and thermal conductivity. Moreover, the magnitudes of these transport coefficients have been related to the properties of collective excitations in dense fluids. Importantly, the model is simple and no free parameters are involved. The purpose of this talk is to summarize recent advancements in this research area following a recently published review [1].

[1] S. Khrapak, Elementary vibrational model for transport properties of dense fluids, Physics Reports 1050, 1 (2024).

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